2448 results for ""
November 18, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Biden victory confirms dollar bear market’

The dollar will depreciate by another 10-15% over the next 3 to 5 years as the election of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States has drastically reduced the risk of a trade war, according to currency strategist Aaron Hurd of State Street …
November 17, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

'No good entry point yet for energy stocks'

Oil stocks have never been so cheap, but there are no signs yet that prices have bottomed out. We’re still waiting for a turn in market sentiment, say head of Automated Intelligence Equity Tjeerd van Cappelle at NN Investment Partners and NN Energy fund …
November 16, 2020
Private Banks

What risk to Luxembourg banks post Covid?

The withdrawal of economic support post-pandemic could cause a shock for Europe’s banks akin to the global financial and eurozone crises, reckons the ECB. How well prepared are Luxembourg’s banks for any potential future financial crisis? ‘In a severe but …
November 13, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

JP Morgan AM: US equities make way for Europe and EM

The American exceptionalism will finally make way for outperformance of European and EM equities, according to JP Morgan AM’s annual long-term capital market assumptions. ‘The American exceptionalism of recent years has been dominated by technology …
November 11, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Outperformance without big tech? It’s possible!

In recent years it has been impossible for global equity funds to beat the index without a substantial allocation to the FAMANG stocks. But the Global Disruptive Opportunities fund of CPR AM, a boutique of Amundi, has done it. We asked fund manager Wesley …
November 10, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

GaveKal: not Covid but the renminbi is the event of 2020

What was the most important event to precede the 2008 financial crisis? Was it BNP closing its money market funds or the oil price exceeding the $100 mark? No, it was the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. And what’s the event of 2020? Surely it is …
November 9, 2020
Asset Allocation,News

Covid-19 vaccine: has the value rotation arrived?

Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine that sent global stock markets higher on Monday prompted double digit gains in value stocks while growth companies saw their share prices tumble. Is this the long-awaited rotation to value? Especially technology stocks and …
November 8, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Hydrogen – the next frontier for energy investors

Hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition and will therefore offer plenty of opportunities for investors. However, investors should not underestimate the diversity of the hydrogen market, according to Candriam. The Belgian asset manager notes …
November 5, 2020

ILA: companies should prepare for EU regulation on corporate governance

Is the European Commission planning to regulate European corporate governance practices? Last week, we highlighted  the on-going sustainable corporate governance initiative, which is exploring options at the EU level. Karen Wauters of the Luxembourg …
November 4, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Asset managers: neck and neck election race ‘worst possible outcome’

The too-close-to-call race in the US presidential elections is the worst possible outcome for investors as it will make it difficult to implement an effective stimulus package for the economy, according to asset managers. We should bear in mind the …