2448 results for ""
December 1, 2020
Private Banks

Goldman Sachs opens Luxembourg branch

Goldman Sachs has registered a new banking entity in Luxembourg this November. The new entity, a branch from Goldman Sachs Bank Europe in Frankfurt, will support the bank's European business across the private banking, investment, and wealth management …
December 1, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Lombard Odier: 10 investment ideas for 2021

It’s outlook time: asset manager are presenting their investment outlooks for 2021. Lombard Odier’s Chief Investment Officer Stéphane Monier (photo) makes it concrete by listing the institution's 10 most important investment convictions and ideas for next …
November 30, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Value outperformance is only just beginning’

The expected returns on US value stocks are attractive compared to growth stocks. As a coronavirus vaccine is now around the corner, the global economy will pick up next year. This will be supportive for long-term outperformance of value stocks, according …
November 27, 2020
Asset Allocation

‘EU should launch pandemic bonds to deal with health emergency’

A solution must be found at the European level to deal with the costs of extreme health risks such as a pandemic. This can be done by launching bond-like products that can be sold to institutional investors. This is the conclusion of a paper written by …
November 26, 2020

Investment Officer has a new look

Investment Officer has received a make-over. Its aim is to provide users with a better overview and better arrangement of articles and sections on the website. Investment Officer in Belgium and Luxembourg and Fondsnieuws in the Netherlands are part of the …
November 26, 2020

UK plans its own ESG taxonomy

A separate UK ESG investing taxonomy and a couple of foreign-fund access regimes that replicate EU rules are some of the ways the London government is considering using its post-Brexit powers. Meanwhile in Luxembourg, the CSSF is working to reduce …
November 25, 2020

Tax planning: how Biden’s election impacts Luxembourg

What is the outlook for taxing US multinationals under a Joe Biden presidency? Even as the noise and belligerence subside, some fundamental differences of view will persist across the North Atlantic. What can firms using Luxembourg as an EU base expect …
November 23, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Equities can return up to 16% in 2021’

‘It's a good time to be a bit more bullish again,' says Jeroen Blokland, head of Robeco's multi-asset team. Especially for equities and commodities, the asset manager is counting on double-digit returns. Robeco anticipates returns of 10-16% for equities …
November 20, 2020

UK extends post-Brexit market access for European funds

The UK financial regulator FCA had extended market access for investment funds from the European Union beyond the end of the transition period following Brexit for up to three years. Alternative investments funds, however, are excluded from the so-called …
November 19, 2020
Private Banks

Bank Delen's René Havaux: ‘We would like to do more acquisitions’

Bank Delen would like to do more acquisitions in the Benelux, says its CEO in an interview with Investment Officer. ‘The Luxembourg market is difficult though, because of the fiscal differences. So we would need to buy a local Luxembourg player with local …