2448 results for ""
December 15, 2020

Investment fund sues CSSF for €99 million

LFP 1 SICAV has filed a civil claim against the CSSF for gross negligence. The directors of the fund claim the regulator turned a blind eye to blatant fraud with the fund between 2014 and 2019, and can therefore be held responsible for the losses in the …
December 15, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘FAMAGs can navigate change in macro environment’

The impending economic recovery may well mean the big tech stocks will cede their market leadership for the time being. But the FAMAG stocks remain attractive on a long-term basis, says Julian Cook, portfolio specialist for US equities at T. Rowe Price. …
December 14, 2020

Saxo Bank’s 10 outrageous predictions for 2021

An energy revolution thanks to an algorithm and a basic income that is finally on its way? After a year like 2020, things couldn't get much crazier, but Saxo Bank is playing to this with its 10 “outrageous predictions” for 2021. The bank and its …
December 11, 2020

Lux PM Bettel: ‘Taxes are poison’

‘Taxes are poison for companies hit by the crisis,’ Xavier Bettel told a Luxembourg for Finance online panel on Thursday. He added that when seeking to restore balance to state finances ‘we want to avoid any tax rise.’ Instead ‘maybe we'll have to cut or …
December 10, 2020
Asset Managers

State Street maintains non-sustainable ETF offering

In response to the SRI trend, State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) has been expanding its offering of ESG products. But these funds do not replace non-sustainable variants, says Carlo Funk, head of ESG investment strategy for EMEA at SSGA. Sustainable …
December 9, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘2021: a great year for equities and commodities’

A car with two accelerators and no brakes. This is how Philippe Gijsels (pictured right), chief strategist at BNP Paribas Fortis, describes current monetary and fiscal policies. Consequently, he expects 2021 will be a good year for risky assets. In …
December 8, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

US high yield: opportunities in reopening trades and rising stars

The US Bloomberg Barclays High Yield Index has already risen by more than 30% since its low in March. But the big rally is now over, with the remaining opportunities now primarily in reopening trades and rising stars, according to Walter Kilcullen, …
December 6, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Janus Henderson: inflation of up to 5% in 2021

The world economy is set for strong growth next year, helped by a broad roll-out of the coronavirus vaccine which will restore confidence. But there is a downside to this development: it will be followed by a strong rise in inflation – of up to 5%. Simon …
December 3, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Is a residential property bubble building in Luxembourg?

The price of an average house in Luxembourg has now risen well above €1m, making the Grand Duchy Europe’s second-most expensive housing market after Monaco. The regulators have just announced plans to impose tough minimum deposit requirements on new …
December 2, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Only core office space still has a future’

Many people will continue to work partly from home until after the pandemic is over. This reduces demand for office space. At the same time, however, the function of offices is changing. This means office space will continue to be in demand, and mainly at …