2451 results for ""
September 29, 2021
Asset Allocation

Listed infrastructure as inflation hedge

With listed infrastructure companies passing inflation directly on to their customers, investors can use them as a hedge against rising inflation, according Thomas van der Meij of Van Lanschot Kempen, a Dutch wealth management firm active in the Benelux …
September 28, 2021

Economic analysis: the start of the tightening cycle

The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the ECB have all started to tighten. The Fed thinks that by the middle of next year it will have ended its 120 billion a month buying programme. At this rate, tapering will be faster than last time. To avoid …
September 28, 2021

Top 5 UK stocks: Invesco in the lead

Although the UK led the way in the rollout of vaccinations and Brexit was largely overshadowed by the Covid pandemic and reopening, the divorce continues to cause uncertainty among investors.  The UK was able to quickly set up a vaccination programme, …
September 27, 2021

Economic analysis: energy shortage rises vertically

The energy transition is anything but smooth. This week, two energy suppliers went bankrupt in the United Kingdom and more are to follow. All this as a result of the record prices for natural gas. In continental Europe, too, the prices for natural gas are …
September 27, 2021

Junk bonds no longer high yielding

“Due to the search for yield, a “shut up and take my money” sentiment is starting to emerge in the world of high-yield corporate bonds. Investors would be wise to be more cautious in allocating money to the high-yield markets. It is dangerous to stay in …
September 24, 2021
Private Banks,Investing

Deutsche Bank Belgium: quality research and advice make the difference

Deutsche Bank Belgium aims to position itself as a global player and to expand further in the private & wealth management segment. Local presence is important. The distinguishing factor compared to other private banks and wealth managers is that Deutsche …
September 23, 2021
Asset Managers,Investing

BLI’s Guy Wagner sees a second inflation wave risk

Guy Wagner of Banque de Luxembourg Investments believes that Western economies will emerge weakened by the health crisis, with higher inflation and huge private debt. His fund is defensively positioned, despite an equity exposure close to 70% of assets …
September 23, 2021

The future of real estate in data

The pandemic has put the resilience of the big city in the spotlight. The need to protect cities against the challenges of this century remains as great as ever. Schroders is therefore investing in real estate projects in the cities of the future. They …
September 22, 2021
Asset Managers

ALFI announces annual Broadridge Awards at conference

BlackRock, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Pictet Asset Management and Robeco were announced as the major category winners of the 2021 Broadridge Distribution Achievement Awards, presented at the ALFI Global Distribution Conference held on 21 and 22 …
September 22, 2021

Comment: SFDR, confusion keeps us grey

Not all European regulations are good. Under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), part of the EU Green Deal, asset managers must disclose information on sustainability. The objective is thus more transparency and openness in this area. …