2451 results for ""
October 19, 2021

Economist comment: Chinese government bonds attractive

At more than USD 15 trillion, the Chinese bond market is the second largest in the world. China only has to surpass the United States. China is therefore the second-largest economy in the world and the Chinese economy is already almost 20% larger than the …
October 19, 2021

Fidelity International: don't be scared off by tighter Chinese regulations

Confidence in Chinese investments has taken a knock following the recent tightening of Chinese regulations. However, fund manager Fidelity International believes the Chinese growth story is intact and there are opportunities for long-term investors as the …
October 18, 2021

Female entrepreneurs operate under investors’ radar

Investors are often men, and they usually invest in companies run by men. A vicious circle that the investment fund We Are Jane wants to break. Founded by serial entrepreneur Conny Vandendriessche (centre of the picture) and Gimv veterans Muriel …
October 18, 2021

ABP's risk/return ratio: a false dilemma

As an example of the pressure put on the financial sector to respond to the urgency of climate change, Dutch education and government sector employee pension fund ABP is tightening up its investment policy. They explain this move by referring to reports …
October 15, 2021

ABN: blockchain could lead to protocol economy

The emergence of distributed ledger technology (DLT), of which blockchain is a form, could bring about a shift from a platform economy to a protocol economy. In this, data is the key to the economy, explained Ralph Wessels of ABN Amro in an article …
October 15, 2021
Asset Managers

Pimco thinks outside the box to generate additional bond yield

Pimco is not too worried about the economic slowdown and rising inflation, as these are largely related to a temporary disruption. Opportunities in the credit and bond markets have become scarcer and finding them requires a lot of effort. This is what …
October 14, 2021

New investing taxonomies in the pipeline

The EU’s ESG investment taxonomies are evolving. Only certain aspects of climate action are currently taken into account, but work is on-going so that the environmental taxonomy covers more areas and will be applied in a subtler fashion. The “social” …
October 14, 2021

Economist comment: the end of an era

After almost half a century at the helm of KKR, co-CEOs Henry Kravis and George Roberts are handing over the baton to their successors. Kravis and Roberts are first cousins and, together with Jerome Kohlberg, they founded Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co …
October 14, 2021
Asset Managers

More distressed debt opportunities coming  

As governments and central banks wind down their support programmes, more corporate defaults and restructurings will follow. For distressed debt investors, a particularly attractive return of 15 per cent per annum is in store. This is what Andrew Amos, …
October 13, 2021

IMF: central banks should be “very vigilant”

It is too early to talk about stagflation, but inflation risks are rising and therefore central banks need to be very vigilant about tightening monetary policy early if prices rise and global growth slows.  This is what the International Monetary Fund …