2451 results for ""
November 9, 2021

European equities preferred to US equities

The US stock market is always more expensive than other markets. However, America's premium over Europe is now so high that betting on Europe may be a better option for investors, according to Joost van Leenders, who explained Van Lanschot Kempen’s …
November 8, 2021
Private Banks

Triodos introduces asset group- specific model

Following the integration of private banking into its banking activities in 2019, Triodos is now focusing on the next step: the introduction of an accessible service model for the different groups of investors.  “Market conditions are tightening, you have …
November 5, 2021

Chinese climate plan: "Clear and realistic"

Chinese President Xi Jinping, leader of the world's largest CO2 emitter, is conspicuous by his absence at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. Critics consider the ‘unclear’ Chinese climate policy the nail in the coffin of the Paris Agreement.  For many …
November 4, 2021

WTW: climate transition is more than CO2 reduction

A number of investors choose to sell investments in fossil fuel producers. This reduces the CO2 emissions of the investment portfolio but only partially protects the investors against the risks of the climate transition.  The climate transition is more …
November 4, 2021

Calls for greater taxonomy sophistication

Does the green investing taxonomy leave the financial service industry open to charges of greenwashing? Are the rules so strict and complex that not only do few investments qualify, with the reasons for this being hard to explain to investors? The …
November 3, 2021
Asset Managers

Eat or be eaten continues in asset management

The consolidation battle in the asset management world continues unabated. American firm T. Rowe Price has bought credit manager Oak Hill Advisors for USD 4.2 billion in cash and shares. In addition, private equity parties GTCR LLC and Reverence Capital …
November 2, 2021

Geeks get it right: is Pelosi the “Queen of Stocks”?

Gamestop and Dogecoin are passé. The world of internet memes – “fast-spreading internet jokes” - has a new hobbyhorse: Nancy Pelosi. The buying and selling of shares by the “Queen of Stocks”, as the Speaker of the US House of Representatives is called on …
October 29, 2021
Asset Allocation,Investing

EM investing: no confidence in China

Investors in emerging markets should completely ignore the 60 per cent worst performing companies when defining their investment universe. These companies bring extra risk, without rewarding you for it. In addition, investing in China is very different at …
October 28, 2021

Towards global ESG reporting

SFDR and the green investing taxonomy have been broadly well received across Europe, but what if other economic powers adopt contradictory rules? “Fragmentation or global convergence” was the topic of discussion of one of the panel sessions at the …
October 28, 2021
Asset Managers

A 31% ytd return? Just a matter of "common sense"

How do you achieve a year-to-date return of more than 31 per cent? “Well, common sense. That is our only strategy. We have no more information than the market. We don't use a complex box with all kinds of variables”, said Theo Vermaelen, one of the four …