2451 results for ""
September 15, 2021
Asset Allocation

BlackRock: we embraced sustainability late

"It is no secret that we at BlackRock have embraced sustainability rather late. The turnaround came with top executive Larry Fink's letters to shareholders about creating long-term value, then purpose, and then sustainability in 2020. But I think we can …
September 14, 2021

State Street expects 20 new crypto products 

“Providers are gearing up to launch their crypto-ETFs in America, Europe and Asia, as soon as the regulator gives permission. As the custodian bank of some of these trackers, State Street is counting on about 20 new products initially, with a variety of …
September 13, 2021
Asset Allocation,Investing

Two major concerns of multi-asset investors

Every day, Natixis IM's head of multi asset James Beaumont and his team wonder how much higher the equity markets can go. Yet, according to him, the issue that is keeping multi asset investors awake at the moment is something else. What should they do …
September 13, 2021
Asset Allocation

R-Co Valor invests strongly in industry, technology and healthcare

Industrial, technology and healthcare stocks now offer a good mix between yield and defensive characteristics. China is undergoing an intensive reform phase, moving from “the end of poverty” to “common prosperity”. This offers opportunities for investors, …
September 10, 2021
Asset Allocation

How supply chain disruption threatens the stock rally

Contrary to what many central bankers and economists expect, “supply chain disruptions” are still ubiquitous. Indeed, a quick glance at delivery times, inventories and freight costs shows that supply chain disruptions are getting worse rather than less. …
September 10, 2021

Pension fund megatrends: getting more holistic

The 300 largest pension funds in the world together had 21,700 billion US dollars under management in 2020. An increase of 11.5 percent, according to a study by Willis Towers Watson, in cooperation with the American platform Pensions & Investments. …
September 9, 2021

Comment: Tax haven status in beholder's eye

“Why Luxembourg is still a tax haven” was the headline in Monday’s Luxemburger Wort, the country’s leading daily. The evidence for this statement was a report from the EU Tax Observatory think tank which identified the Grand Duchy and 16 other …
September 9, 2021
Laws and Regulations

Covid-19 undermines KYC compliance

A majority of nearly 3,000 risk managers admit that the pandemic has led to more careless due diligence checks and a more sloppy handling of the Know Your Customer (KYC) principle. In addition, 71 per cent of respondents report that cybercrime is harder …
September 8, 2021

Comment: sustainable investors have major impact

Newton’s second law states that impact equals mass times speed. It is my conviction that sustainable investors have a greater impact than they often think. Not so much because of the speed, but because of the increasing mass. In the financial markets, it …
September 8, 2021
Asset Allocation

BlackRock first with broad EMD impact fund

An active fund that mainly invests in green and social bonds from emerging markets was not available until last month, when the BlackRock Emerging Markets Impact Bond Fund was launched. The new fund is one of the first two EMD funds with an Article 9 …