2451 results for ""
February 11, 2022

Luxembourg’s crypto opportunity demands a collective move

There’s a strong level of interest in crypto finance in Luxembourg’s financial centre, according to a survey carried out by the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology and PwC. The Grand Duchy nevertheless has yet to develop the necessary infrastructure …
February 11, 2022

Financial sector disregards human rights, NGO claims

The financial sector needs to pay more attention to human rights in its activities, especially in its supply chains, a Luxembourg NGO said in a report it presented this week. Industry representatives said the criticism does not yet fully consider new …
February 10, 2022

Draghi’s promise is at stake

President Biden and Olaf Scholz, the new German Chancellor, are not on the same page regarding Nordstream 2. Biden threatens that no natural gas will flow through the pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine. But for Germany, Moscow is much closer and Scholz …
February 10, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Luxembourg opens up for active management of debt pools

Luxembourg's parliament, known as the Chambre des Députés , on Wednesday approved a long-awaited modernisation of the Grand Duchy's securitisation law that will enable fund managers to actively manage pooled debts such as corporate loans and mortgages. …
February 9, 2022
Asset Allocation

Morningstar: 'Green' funds to outpace 'grey' by mid-2022

European mutual funds that promote green investments saw assets increase by some 22 percent in the fourth quarter, to more than 4,000 billion euro, and will overtake traditional 'grey' assets in terms of asset volume no later than the summer of 2022, …
February 9, 2022
Asset Managers

JP Morgan AM applies AI to find climate, biodiversity solutions

J.P. Morgan Asset Management is stepping up its use of artificial intelligence in order to identify companies that provide solutions in the fight against climate change and loss of biodiversity. The US asset manager wants to use AI to find between 50 and …
February 8, 2022
Asset Managers,Asset Allocation

Avoiding dry powder involves choosing complex investments

Record levels of funds invested into private asset strategies has led to the phenomenon of “too much dry powder” in which new investments fuel higher entry valuations for the slower-growing number of underlying investment opportunities. Nils Rode, …
February 8, 2022

Luxembourg home to nearly half of Europe’s ESG assets

Luxembourg retained its lead as the biggest global hub for sustainable investment funds last year, accounting for nearly half of ESG assets managed in Europe while global interest in the Luxembourg Green Exchange increased sharply, Luxembourg For Finance …
February 7, 2022

Making most of it while you sleep

After its famous ARK vs. Berkshire Hathaway chart, the Financial Times recently published another strong chart. It shows that the overnight return, the return between the closing and opening of the stock exchange, is many times higher than the return …
February 7, 2022
Asset Managers,Investing,Laws and Regulations

Citing inflation, Máxima wants action on financial literacy

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has called on European financial supervisors to review financial services for their health impact and urged the banking, payments and investment industries to do more to make sure that their clients make well-informed …