2451 results for ""
January 25, 2022
Asset Managers,Products

Quintet launches new multi-asset, climate neutral fund

Quintet Private Bank today announced the launch of the “world’s first multi-asset, climate-neutral investment fund”, Essential Portfolio Selection (EPS) Quintet Earth after raising some 280 million euros in funding. This UCITS fund “combines equal …
January 24, 2022

CSSF: DLT/Blockchain "a real challenge"

Integrating distributed ledger technology (DLT) can be "a real challenge" for financial institutions and regulators, Luxembourg’s financial regulator the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) said last Friday in a white paper on …
January 21, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Impact of OECD “structured formal garden” for tax rules

The new corporate taxation rules from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) join earlier reforms that collectively pose economic and fiscal risks to the Luxembourg economy, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). …
January 21, 2022

Experts predict super cycle for raw materials

Investors are watching the recovering raw materials market with suspicion. There is even a commodities supercycle on the way, according to Jeffrey Currie, the global head of the commodities research department at investment bank Goldman Sachs. Currie  is …
January 20, 2022
Asset Managers

KPMG Luxembourg names Breton, Guertler as partner

KPMG Luxembourg has named Annick Breton and Christian Guertler as partners in its asset management consulting business. They will work closely with Yves Courtois, Head of Advisory and the Advisory Partners group. Both Breton and Guertler have a strong …
January 20, 2022
Asset Servicing

Luxembourg plays to win in musical chairs dance for CLOs

Hopes are high in Luxembourg that the Grand Duchy this year will be able to claim a sizeable chunk of a growing European market for Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLOs), a structured financial product pooling corporate debts. With an update in its …
January 20, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Funds caught in EU’s “Unshell” plans

Unshell – the name given to the third anti tax-avoidance directive (ATAD III) – would have a “huge impact for Luxembourg, especially for Luxembourg” said Carlo Fassbinder, tax director at the Luxembourg finance ministry. In particular, he is concerned …
January 20, 2022

Ukraine: elephant in the commodities market room

In periods of low interest rates, high stock market prices and persistent inflation, the usually volatile commodity markets are once again in the sights of investors. This is also the case now, but this time there is another complicating factor: 100,000 …
January 19, 2022

Top 5 Emerging Markets Equities: Schroders in the lead

2021 was one of the worst calendar years for emerging markets in the last decade, according to senior manager research analyst Ronald van Genderen of Morningstar, in his contribution for this week. Only 2013 saw a (narrowly) bigger loss. That year, the …
January 19, 2022
Asset Managers

Contrarian prefers growth over green concerns

The idea that economic growth is a problem is seriously outdated, according to University of Ghent philosopher Maarten Boudry (photo), He called divestment "nonsense" and advised investors to be wary of "green" funds. "There is a lot of irrationality in …