2451 results for ""
February 27, 2022

Fresh sanctions put Russia ETFs on liquidity watch

Mutual funds and ETFs investing in Russian stocks and bonds posted unprecedented losses last week after Russian president Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine. Managers of emerging market funds with Russia exposure are now also closely watching the …
February 25, 2022

Bettel urges caution on banning Russia from Swift

Luxembourg fully supports the European Union’s additional sanctions against Russia over its aggressive move towards Ukraine but supports a cautious approach with the EU’s plans to eject Vladimir Putin's country from the international payments system …
February 25, 2022

Top 5 Southeast Asia: with praise for Vietnam

Slowdowns in emerging markets don’t bode well for the asset class, but as we know, one market is not like another. In this top 5, Morningstar analyst Thomas De Fauw looks at funds that focus on opportunities in Southeast Asia. Investors mainly invest in …
February 25, 2022

Spacs still prospering despite challenging conditions

Spacs – special purpose acquisition vehicles – had a very good year in 2021, with some 600 Spacs raising 165 billion dollars but they are, like the rest of the economy, adapting to the new post-Covid economic reality. Many investment banking and legal …
February 24, 2022

The second Cold War is hot

Western leaders are struggling with their response to Putin's latest challenge. They agree that it should look like a unified position. In this respect, they are mainly writing down measures that the United States and Western Europe are prepared to take …
February 24, 2022

Strategists analyse market shock triggered by Putin's aggression

Global financial markets were in turmoil on Thursday in a clear sign that investors had not expected Russian President Vladimir Putin to make an aggressive move into Ukraine by launching a full-scale invasion. “Even just yesterday people were dismissing …
February 24, 2022
Asset Allocation

European ESG debt issuance almost doubled in 2021

Issuance of ESG bonds and loans in Europe almost doubled last year as more sovereign and supranational issuers entered the market and governments adopted sustainable finance programmes, the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (Afme) said. Afme, a …
February 24, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Brexit: de facto equivalence seen as boon for Luxembourg

It is over a year since the end of the transition period that saw Brexit come into full effect and as regards financial services regulation, the UK still appears to be searching for a new direction. Or maybe this is the plan. Could the strategy be to talk …
February 23, 2022

Buying when cannons roar?

Conventional stock market wisdom says investors should buy when the cannons roar and sell when the stock market hears the clarion call. The cannons are literally roaring today. But does this reasoning hold true? Author Ben Carlson has written extensively …
February 23, 2022
Asset Managers

Pressure on equities drives investors to dividend funds

With their stable income and preference for defensive stocks, conservative dividend strategies can be seen as an alternative to government bonds at times of stock market uncertainty. Are they really? Yes, says fund manager Thomas Schüssler of the …