2451 results for ""
November 23, 2022
Sector,Laws and Regulations

CSSF’s Marx: Efficiency focus also in interests of investors

Financial regulators across the European Union next year will embark on a comprehensive review of costs that investment firms charge for their funds. Claude Marx, director general of Luxembourg financial supervisor CSSF, on Wednesday elaborated on some of …
November 23, 2022

Net-zero: ‘Private asset managers are privileged’

When it comes to enhancing the economic value chain in terms of sustainability, net-zero and financing the energy transition, the private assets sector is well positioned as an actor that can help deliver the changes that are needed to keep growth …
November 23, 2022

Luxembourg real estate fund assets up 26% vs year ago

Real Estate Investment Funds, or Reifs, in Luxembourg saw total assets climb by 26 percent in the year running up to the end of the third quarter, to 131 billion euro. The number of Reifs increased by 20 percent to 621 funds. The latest edition of the …
November 23, 2022

‘There are capital calls that have not been met’

The exact impact on private asset values of this ye ar’s declines on global stock and bond markets has yet to be determined, but already some family offices are concerned about the shifts in their portfolios. “There are capital calls that have not been …
November 22, 2022

M&G adds arctic drilling, adult, tobacco to exclusions

M&G said it will introduce an additional set of ESG exclusions to its M&G (Lux) Optimal Income fund managed by Richard Woolnough.  The fund will expand its sector-based Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) exclusions to companies involved​ in arctic …
November 22, 2022
Laws and Regulations,Wealth Managers

EU court: publishing UBO data infringes fundamental rights

The European Union’s Court of Justice on Tuesday ruled that private information on the ultimate ownership of companies and investment funds registered in the Luxembourg Business Register does not always need to be made available to the general public. The …
November 22, 2022

Lacklustre mood hits private markets at year-end 

Fresh registrations for alternative investment funds in Luxembourg, considered the top European hub for private investments, this month are at their lowest monthly level in nearly six years. Regulatory changes as well as market conditions are cited as a …
November 21, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Tackling greenwashing, Esma asks funds to back up claims

To make sure investors are not misled, the European Union’s top supervisory authority for investment funds and asset management has proposed criteria for using ESG or sustainability-related terms in fund names. Esma has also stepped up its approach …
November 18, 2022
Asset Managers

Efama forum: 'TINA is gone, and that’s not a bad thing'

TINA - There Is No Alternative - is gone. That’s not a bad thing. And don't write off the 60/40 portfolio just yet. And the asset management industry has had a clear impact on society and sustainability. On 17 and 18 November, Efama, the European fund and …
November 18, 2022

New valuation association is a big deal for private equity

Looking at the way two of the largest economies of the world have developed, a saying I heard many many years ago comes to my mind: “America is run by lawyers – the UK is run by accountants.” With ever-increasing regulation imposed on the investment fund …