2451 results for ""
December 5, 2022

Chart of the week: why easy? Difficult is also possible!

No, this is not a column about the Netherlands' performance at the World Cup. Although, of course, the title fits this seamlessly. This column is about China and its Covid issues. The Chinese authorities have grossly underestimated the anger of their …
December 2, 2022

Luxembourg Raif market back on track to beat 2021 record

A total of 43 new Reserved Alternative Investment Funds, or Raifs, were registered in Luxembourg during November, indicating that the market for these alternative investments is not slowing down as much as initially thought, according to data released on …
December 2, 2022
Laws and Regulations

CSSF says SFDR thresholds imply ‘binding commitments’

Luxembourg’s financial supervisor CSSF has made clear that it expects investment funds that commit to sustainability objectives will stick to these commitments. If a fund defines thresholds for specific ESG or sustainability investments, then it should …
December 2, 2022

Amundi reclassifies ‘almost all’ Article 9 funds to Article 8

Referring to a regulatory environment that is “still evolving”, Amundi, Europe’s largest asset management company, said it has taken a “conservative” step and reclassified almost all of its most sustainable investment funds, worth around 45 billion euro, …
December 2, 2022

Morningstar Top 5: Robeco leads China A-shares funds

This week’s Top 5 by Morningstar looks at the performance of funds that invest in Chinese A-shares in the year to date. A-shares are shares of mainland China-based companies that trade on the two Chinese stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen. Since …
December 1, 2022
Laws and Regulations,Wealth Managers

CSSF hits Bank of Singapore unit with €210,000 AML fine

BOS Wealth Management SA, the Luxembourg-based European wealth management arm of Bank of Singapore, has been handed a 210,000 euro fine by Luxembourg’s financial regulator CSSF for non-compliance with laws designed to fight money laundering and terrorist …
December 1, 2022
Asset Managers,Asset Servicing

EIB issues blockchain-backed bond under Luxembourg law

Developments in Luxembourg legislation have enabled the European Investment Bank, the EIB, to issue for the first time a digital bond under Luxembourg law. In a project codenamed Project Venus, the EIB this week raised 100 million euro by issuing a …
December 1, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Without clear game rules, funds will never get it right

Europe’s asset management industry finds itself under a public magnifying glass after a team of international investigative journalists discovered that the most sustainable funds are still investing in polluting companies. Earlier warnings on possible …
November 30, 2022

‘Impact investing won’t remain a niche market’

Colruyt scion Piet Colruyt (photo) is firmly convinced that impact investing will take off in the coming years. “By 2030, impact investing should reach a 10 per cent market share. It will not remain a niche market,” said Colruyt. Today - 30 November - …
November 30, 2022
Asset Managers,Investing

‘There won’t be a recession in Europe,’ says DWS

The most predicted recession ever is not coming at all. At least, not in Europe. According to DWS, the record-negative figures do not correspond to the actual state of the economy. “We expect growth, not contraction.” In Germany, the difference between …