2451 results for ""
April 27, 2023

Luxembourg aspires to leadership in Europe’s crypto market

Reactions to last week’s European Parliament vote on the Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation, known most commonly as MiCA, has been generally positive. Where does Luxembourg, with its early bet on crypto, now stand? We’ve spoken with several crypto …
April 26, 2023

The recession that just won't come

It is striking how bad economists are at predicting a recession. They have shouted so many times now that a recession is coming, that they have just dug in and knowingly stuck to this tunnel vision. At the end of last year, as many as 85 per cent of …
April 26, 2023
Opinion,Asset Servicing

Division of labour: underrated gamechanger for ManCos

The implementation of the AIFMD, the European directive for alternative investment funds managers, in 2011 can be seen as the starting point for the transition to a greater degree of specialisation. The requirements in this directive have increased the …
April 25, 2023

EU warns climate insurance gap must be bridged

The European Central Bank and the EU’s top insurance body have warned that businesses and households are not sufficiently insured against climate-related disasters, raising the risk of financial instability and economic crises. A discussion paper issued …
April 25, 2023

European issuers account for 17% of all credit ratings 

The 30 countries in the European economic area account for less than one out of every five credit ratings issued by credit rating agencies across the world, according to a new report published on Tuesday by the European Securities and Markets Authority, …
April 25, 2023

Luxembourg stock exchange expands cooperation with Macao

The Luxembourg stock exchange has announced a new move to expand its cooperation with Macao, one of China’s Special Administrative Regions. The bourse said it will offer trading in securities listed on the Chongwa (Macao) Financial Asset Exchange Co. …
April 25, 2023

Credit crunch risks overshadow US earnings

In the U.S., a surge in deposits from small to medium-sized lenders is leading to a credit crunch across the country as smaller financial institutions sell mortgages and bonds at record pace to offset losses. This looming crisis is causing concern within …
April 24, 2023
Private Banks,News

Interest bounty underpins BCEE banking income

The BCEE, one of Luxembourg’s main domestic banks and commonly known as the Spuerkees, credited rising interest rates as playing a key role in increasing its increased banking income portion of its overall annual report for the year ending in 2022 through …
April 24, 2023

Luxembourg raid probes AC Milan fraud claim

In a dawn raid on Friday, Luxembourg judicial authorities searched for documents of two holding companies controlled by US hedge fund Elliott Management in relation to last year’s 1.2 billion euro sale of Italian football club AC Milan. Although it has …
April 24, 2023
Laws and Regulations

EU retail investment strategy launch delayed to end May

The presentation of the European Commission’s long-awaited retail investment strategy, has now been delayed once more, from an early May to a tentatively scheduled 24 May date, according to a person familiar with the policymaking process in Brussels. In …