2451 results for ""
July 3, 2023
Asset Managers

Tax experts anxiously await clarity on ATAD-3 text

Luxembourg’s financial sector has faced a wave of tax avoidance legislation in recent years. But the impact of the earlier measures is likely to pale in comparison to the EU’s latest – the third Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, known as the “Unshell …
June 30, 2023
Asset Managers,Private Banks,News,Laws and Regulations

ABBL claims success in lobbying effort on third-country branches

The association representing Luxembourg’s banking industry has claimed success in its lobbying effort to persuade the EU to amend the rules governing the prudential requirements and the supervision of third-country branches to its satisfaction. The …
June 30, 2023

Small investors don’t understand interest rates, but returns are ‘excellent’

Private investors do not know what rising interest rates do to their investments. Despite this, they said they achieved solid returns even when blood ran through the streets. The Dunning-Kruger effect, a psychological phenomenon in which people who are …
June 29, 2023
Asset Managers,Products,Wealth Managers

Eltif 2.0 is powering a wholesale private equity transformation

Through various legislative acts over the past 10-15 years, the EU's push to democratise private markets has transformed how private equity does business, with a heavy helping of technology and fund management tools allowing for what could be a massive …
June 28, 2023
Asset Managers,Private Banks,Wealth Managers,Family Offices

Greenwashing: lessons for investment managers

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This applies also for well-intended regulations on environmental, social and governance. Because of the growth of ESG-focused investments in recent years, a new problem pops up: the risk of greenwashing.  …
June 28, 2023

Can Luxembourg avoid fee cuts?

One of my first lessons in finance was that you cannot consistently outperform the market. When it does occur, it is the result of luck rather than skill. You are better off investing in passively managed funds than those actively run by gurus and …
June 27, 2023

Family offices plan biggest asset allocation change in ages

Family offices are looking to allocate more assets to fixed income in the coming years, as well as illiquid alternatives such as private equity (secondaries). About a third of wealthy families already invest in digital assets, even if it is usually a very …
June 26, 2023
Sector,Laws and Regulations

Industry fears ‘suboptimal’ outcome of Mifid review

With a few days to go before crucial EU talks that could lead to major reforms of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, known as Mifid, EU asset managers, banks, and brokers are urging policymakers not to succumb to pressure that could lead to …
June 26, 2023

FATF: ‘Luxembourg has a very good idea of what it needs to do’

The world’s top body for the fight against money laundering on Friday said it has found a “high level of technical compliance” with global standards in Luxembourg. The Financial Action Task Force, or FATF still recommended that the Grand Duchy strengthens …
June 22, 2023
Events,Sector,Laws and Regulations

ALFI roadshow in Frankfurt urged to reimagine VUCA

In the face of market volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, a combination popularly referred to as ‘VUCA’, Ingo Mainert, CIO Multi Asset Europe at Allianz Global Investors, urges investors to embrace a fresh interpretation of VUCA: vision, …