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September 5, 2023

In Flux: Luxembourg asset scene sizzles

Ah, September! That halcyon month when the aroma of freshly sharpened pencils mingles with the remnants of sunscreen. Welcome back, fund and asset managers in Luxembourg — Yes, you, with your tanned glow and a back-to-work gleam in your eye.  Your office …
September 4, 2023

Chart of the week: regime change or oil?

Long-term inflation expectations have risen this year. In fact, just when central banks decided a few months ago to  go the extra mile  to push inflation down, expectations rose further. Are investors already preparing for a regime change regarding …
September 1, 2023

Modernising investments: Luxembourg has done it again

The Luxembourg legislator has done it again: with Bill 8183 (the “Bill”), which recently has passed the Luxembourg Parliament, entering into force on 28 July 2023, the Luxembourg funds toolbox has been carefully modernised. Diligent evolution, rather than …
September 1, 2023
Asset Managers,Private Banks,Investing

Problems in China upset even enthusiasts

Chinese growth is disappointing. Global asset managers are liquidating large parts of their equity positions in the country, resulting in falling share prices. It seems like a godsend for bargain hunters, but passionate China investors are also on their …
August 31, 2023
Asset Managers,Wealth Managers

KPMG plans new HQ on current BGL-BNP Paribas site

KPMG Luxembourg announced Wednesday an agreement with developer BPI Real Estate to develop a new headquarters building in Kirchberg for its audit, tax and advisory services activities. The deal includes developing a new 31,000-square-meter headquarters on …
August 31, 2023
Laws and Regulations

A license for retail investors could reduce regulation

An inconvenient truth about the financial industry is that it cannot be trusted; there have been too many scandals to remember. Common solutions, such as rules and regulations, no longer seem to be improving trust, necessitating the exploration of new …
August 31, 2023
Asset Allocation

Everything falls into place for boisterous India

Superlatives are raining down on India, which seems to have passed China as the promised country for emerging market investors. “It looks like the stars are really all aligned this time.” The Indian stock market, larger than France and the UK combined and …
August 30, 2023
Opinion,Wealth Managers,Investing

Directors’ Office enhances professionalism

In recent years, the regulatory framework for the duties and responsibilities of the board of directors or management board and for the control functions within Luxembourg investment fund managers has evolved significantly. Among others, CSSF Circular …
August 29, 2023
Asset Managers,Wealth Managers

Ethenea founder says Europe mishandling green transition

Luca Pesarini, founder and senior portfolio manager of Ethenea Independent Investors, does not mince his words, and so the management of the Ethna-AKTIV fund he helped found in 2002 is no nonsense. For instance, in a recent interview, he shows that he …
August 29, 2023
Asset Managers,Private Banks,Wealth Managers

Lombard Odier sees AUM rise 4% in H1

Switzerland-based investment house Lombard Odier has reported a 4% increase in assets under management since the end of December 2022, reaching 198 billion Swiss francs of assets at the end of June 2023. The result is due in part to “solid contributions” …