2438 results for ""
April 20, 2020

CSSF steps up fund monitoring to prevent liquidity squeeze

European regulators are trying to prevent a liquidity crisis caused by excessive outflows from investment funds in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. The CSSF has joined other European regulators in asking asset managers for large amounts of information …
April 19, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

Investors kept in the dark as earnings season starts

The first US earnings results came in published last week. As always, the major banks were first, showing disappointing results and withdrawing guidance for the second quarter. The consequence: analysts look into a black hole of uncertainty.  The largest …
April 19, 2020

‘CSSF fails to enforce fund regulation’

The CSSF is facilitating the defrauding of investors by failing to timely enforce regulation on funds, says David Mapley, director of the LFP 1 Equity Power Fund. Mapley (pictured) runs several Luxembourg-domiciled funds, known as LFP I, that were …
April 17, 2020

Luxembourg banks find new growth niche

Despite a Brexit-inspired influx of banks to Luxembourg, the number of banks active in the country is dwindling. At the same time however, many of the remaining banks keep growing their revenue thanks to an increasing focus on ultra-high net worth …
April 16, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Recession creates entry opportunities for private equity’

The real impact of the corona crisis on private equity valuations has yet to become visible, but it’s already time to look for new direct and co-investments. ‘Past experience has shown that post-crisis years are often good vintage years for new private …
April 16, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

BlackRock advises: Sell US Treasuries

The Federal Reserve is by far the largest single owner of US government bonds. If the Fed continues its buy-back policy at its current pace, all US government debt will be in the hands of the central bank in less than two years' time. That's a good reason …
April 15, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

BNP Paribas expects V-shaped recovery

A study of bear markets shows that in 70 percent of the cases stock markets fell back to a new low. In 30 percent there was a continuing recovery after a severe crash. We are probably experiencing the latter scenario now, according to BNP Paribas Fortis' …
April 9, 2020
Private Banks,Wealth Managers

The future of wealth advice? A Netflix-like platform

A Netflix-like environment that provides access to advice that is data-driven, personalized, continuous and preferrably subscription-based, is the future of wealth advice according to McKinsey. And, says the management consultant in its recent research …
April 9, 2020
Asset Allocation,Investing

‘Buyback suspensions increase US market volatility’

Market volatility will increase as a result of a decline in share buybacks and lower earnings growth per share, warns Goldman Sachs. David Kostin, who leads the business bank's portfolio strategy team, writes in a note to the bank's clients that the 51 …
April 8, 2020
Transfers,Asset Servicing

Allfunds hires Stéphane Corsaletti for Lux office

Stéphane Corsaletti is the new Chief Investment Officer of fund distribution platform Allfunds. The Frenchman will lead Allfunds' recently formed digital investment solutions platform from its Luxembourg office. Corsaletti will be part of the executive …