2448 results for ""
May 11, 2021

Luxembourg slips in green finance ranking

Luxembourg slipped two places in an international ranking of the quality and depth of green finance offerings in financial centres. Luxembourg ranked in 6th place, putting it in the top 15 green finance centres. The Grand Duchy is second in the EU in the …
May 10, 2021
Asset Managers,Asset Allocation

Capital Group: China adopts dual-track strategy

Investors today should keep China in mind, according to US asset manager Capital Group. CEO Robert Lovelace (photo) and fund manager Christopher Thomsen, agree that understanding the country means looking into its past. China has has undergone a profound …
May 7, 2021
Asset Allocation

GaveKal: China's radically different answer to US fiscal spending

While the US and Europe have chosen the path of unprecedented fiscal spending and monetary easing, China is doing the accept opposite. On the long term, this will lead to an appreciation of the renminbi and a depreciating dollar which will push inflation …
May 6, 2021
Asset Managers

"EM green bonds have more impact"

Green bonds in developed markets often appear greener than their counterparts in emerging markets. But investors should read too much into this, according to Maxim Vydrine, manager of the Amundi Emerging Markets Green Bond Fund. ‘The positive …
May 5, 2021

Are US equities too expensive? Yes, but…

According to traditional valuation metrics, US equities are expensive. In this analysis, we provide two arguments for continued outperformance of US equities, and two in favour of better performance of non-US equities. Large US equities will deliver a …
May 4, 2021
Asset Managers

'Real estate daily dealing soon a thing of the past'

In a lot of funds investing in illiquid assets, such as property, daily dealing is likely to disappear. “The idea that you can have property in a fund you can buy or sell shares in on a daily basis has been exposed to be a lie.” Gavin Haran, head of asset …
May 3, 2021

Sun European Partners: no more turnaround investments

Private equity investor Sun European Partners has shifted its focus from typical turnaround investments to 'good companies that we can turn into top companies', said Mark Corbidge, head of Sun Capital's European subsidiary, in an exclusive interview with …
April 30, 2021
Asset Allocation

Inflation or no inflation? The jury is still out

The emergence of inflation is particularly hotly debated at the moment. Is the current uptick in commodity and other input prices sufficient to cause an inflation surge? Opinions differ widely, as is evident from the views of various asset managers. Bert …
April 29, 2021
Asset Managers

‘PEPP to become the UCITS of pensions’

Despite some last-minute political tweaks, the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) has the potential to do for pensions what UCITS has done for long-term investment. agreed an online panel assembled by Luxembourg For Finance. But patience is …
April 28, 2021
Asset Servicing

Swiss firm buys Global Fund Analytics

Acolin, a Zurich-based provider of regulatory and cross-border fund distribution services across Europe, has acquired Luxembourg-based Global Fund Analytics (GFA), a SaaS-based data collection and analytics platform for asset managers and distributors. …