2451 results for ""
March 28, 2022

Barry partner at Maples, Mouzon head of ECM Amundi

Law firm Maples and Calder has announced the promotion of nine of its senior lawyers in Europe, including the appointment of Michelle Barry as partner in its Luxembourg funds and investment management practice. Amundi announced the creation of its first …
March 28, 2022
Asset Servicing

OurCrowd enlists Apex to service Australian investors

Asset services provider Apex Group said it has been appointed by Israel-based OurCrowd, a global venture capital investment platform, to provide fund services and to help attract investors in Australia and New Zealand. Formed in 2013, OurCrowd is Israel’s …
March 28, 2022

Chart of the week: end of the housing bubble?

US mortgage rates have shot up since the start of this year. The 30-year fixed rate stands at 4.5 percent, the highest level since the start of 2019. Will this bring an end to the housing boom? It seems obvious that higher mortgage rates will have a …
March 25, 2022

Podcast: Corinne Lamesch, Chair of the Board at Alfi

Corinne Lamesch, chair of the board at the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (Alfi), speaks to InvestmentOfficer.lu for a podcast about current challenges facing the asset management industry, specifically in dealing with investment funds …
March 25, 2022
Asset Allocation,Investing

Top 5: Japanese value stocks hitting back

Japanese shares were hot in the 1980s, but the bubble has deflated mercilessly in the decades that followed. The high point that was reached in 1989 was never reached again. Especially funds in value shares seem to have fallen victim to the disinterest of …
March 25, 2022
Asset Managers

Investors tremble at prospect of EM bond defaults

Emerging market bond markets are under pressure. Concerns about whether Russia will make its interest payments this month are leading investors to wonder which other countries are at risk of default. Billions of dollars of Russian government and corporate …
March 25, 2022
Asset Managers,Laws and Regulations,Asset Servicing

CSSF guidance expected on 145 Russia-exposed funds 

Even as limited trading resumed on Moscow’s exchange on Thursday, prospects for emerging market funds exposed to Russia remained cloudy as determining accurate asset values continued to be nearly impossible. Fund managers now await guidance from financial …
March 24, 2022

A bull market for inflation

The biggest risk for investors at the moment is high inflation. While the market places too much emphasis on short-term inflation, it also tends to underestimate long-term inflation. The news that Powell might raise interest rates by 50 basis points next …
March 23, 2022
Asset Managers,Laws and Regulations,Asset Servicing

‘Side pockets’ discussed to lift suspensions of Russia funds

Luxembourg is considering the innovative use of a particular liquidity management tool known as “side pockets” in order to deal with the suspensions of investment funds with significant exposure to Russia. If accepted by the Luxembourg financial …
March 22, 2022
Asset Managers,Private Banks,Wealth Managers,Asset Servicing

CSSF calls for extra efforts to track Russian money

The head of Luxembourg’s top financial regulator on Tuesday called on the country’s asset management industry to step up its efforts and make sure that Russian oligarchs don’t evade sanctions by hiding their money in European investment funds. “It is …