2451 results for ""
April 22, 2022
Asset Allocation,Investing

Macro, multi-strategy hedge funds best performers in Q1

Hedge funds with a macro or multi-strategy focus were among the best performing funds in the first quarter, shielding investors from geopolitical turmoil, high inflation numbers and shifting monetary policies, according to Preqin, a privately-held …
April 21, 2022

Green inflation

For the moment, inflation is largely caused by a sharp increase in energy prices. Two years ago, the oil price was negative for a while, but since then it has been rising rapidly. Sustainability policy measures have contributed to this, because investment …
April 20, 2022

IMF warns of ‘permanent fragmentation’

The International Monetary Fund has warned of a more permanent fragmentation of the world economy into geopolitical blocks with distinct technology standards, cross-border payment systems, and reserve currencies. The fund has lowered its growth outlook …
April 19, 2022
Asset Allocation,Investing

High-yield corporates at a virtual standstill

Rising interest rates and continuing tension surrounding the Ukraine conflict have brought the issuance of high-yield corporate bonds in Europe to a virtual standstill. "The size and speed of the current interest rate increase is causing companies to stop …
April 19, 2022

MiFID II to test SFDR labelling misconceptions

There is still a pervasive misconception that articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR represent ESG labelling benchmarks. Similarly, there is a belief that declaring a fund as article 6 gives greater latitude to continue as if SFDR hadn’t happened. Failure to …
April 15, 2022
Asset Allocation,Products

Top 5 emerging markets shares: Nordea 1 in the lead

For emerging countries, the first quarter of 2022 was dominated by the war in Ukraine unleashed by Russia. Equities from Russia itself suffered particularly badly. Various index compilers, including MSCI, have removed Russian shares from all their …
April 15, 2022

In Flux: a bubbling housing market, Reifs and rising rates

If there is one economic lesson my father, a construction engineer, taught me, it's that mortgage rates in Europe always follow what’s happening in the United States. When rates go up across the Atlantic, they’re bound to do the same in our part of the …
April 14, 2022

Lagarde's roadmap for rates draws a mixed response

As inflation persists across Europe, with double-digit numbers for some eurozone countries, ECB President Christine Lagarde's road map for upcoming interest rates hikes drew a mixed response in the markets. The European Central Bank on Thursday, in no …
April 14, 2022

Transfers: Dries to lead EY's wealth and AM tax team

Rosheen Dries has joined EY Luxembourg as the firm’s new wealth and asset management tax leader. She brings more than 25 years of reporting and tax experience in Ucits and alternative finance.  Before joining EY in Luxembourg, Dries was a partner at EY …
April 14, 2022
Asset Managers,Wealth Managers

‘Globalisation, as we know it, is probably over’

With Russia's expulsion from the Swift digital payments system, the West is crossing a dangerous divide that will have far-reaching consequences for the global economy and world order. In an interview with Investment Officer, Ritesh Jain, an influential …