2451 results for ""
June 7, 2022
Laws and Regulations

Yuriko Backes: EU & Brexit translator

Luxembourg Finance Minister Yuriko Backes is visiting London this week, at a time when advocates of maintaining strong UK-EU financial services relationships are struggling to have their voices heard. The Luxembourg government has sought to take the heat …
June 7, 2022

Tokenisation can bridge funding gap for infrastructure

Financing expensive new infrastructure projects is a challenge for countries around the world. An American early-stage fintech named Pontoro recently pitched in Luxembourg its development of an innovative new digital assets platform that makes these …
June 7, 2022

Chart of the week: this valuation gets in the way

When it comes to equity valuations, most investors are concerned with the price/earnings ratio. And while that P/E ratio has fallen to just below the average of the past decade, the picture painted by another valuation measure is much less attractive. The …
June 3, 2022

Esma reminds funds of duties on stranded Russia assets

European financial market regulator Esma has reminded fund managers of their fiduciary duties to correctly account for the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on investment funds. Esma recently published a note to in which it “recognises first and …
June 3, 2022

In Flux: Fifty shades of green

Sustainable finance poses a compliance risk you can no longer afford to ignore, no matter whether you are green or brown. Offering green investment products without actually doing so can get you into serious trouble. Asoka Woehrmann, the chief executive …
June 3, 2022
Asset Allocation,Products

Top 5: Chinese bond funds: HSBC GIF RMB in the lead

Chinese bonds have defied the general negative trend in bond and credit markets this year until recently, but ended May with heavy losses.  Three Chinese bond markets The universe of Chinese fixed income securities essentially consists of three markets. …
June 3, 2022
Asset Managers,Private Banks,Wealth Managers,Asset Servicing

PWC: Alternatives add dynamism to ManCo market

Unregulated alternative investments continued to be dynamic and successful in Luxembourg last year thanks to the modernisation in recent years of the Grand Duchy’s regulatory regime for private markets, consultancy firm PWC Luxembourg noted when releasing …
June 2, 2022
Asset Servicing

State Street Luxembourg embraces transformation

Slowly but surely, investment services powerhouse State Street, the biggest of its kind in Luxembourg, is undergoing a transformation. The upcoming integration of Brown Brothers Harriman, data management, ESG requirements, digital asset management and the …
June 2, 2022

JPM AM: ‘We came into crisis from position of strength’

Amid lingering fears of stagflation and a possible recession, investors are hard pressed to find opportunities in today’s markets, if any. Market experts at JP Morgan Asset Management believe that those willing to look at fundamental factors underpinning …
June 2, 2022

Back to the 1970s

Nowadays, when the term stagflation is mentioned, everyone thinks back to the 1970s. Anyone who suggests a stagflation scenario as a real scenario for the future is immediately reminded of the many differences between then and now. The vast majority of …