2451 results for ""
August 17, 2022
Asset Managers

ECB: disorderly climate transition will hit finance

The financial sector will suffer significant declines if the climate transition does not proceed in an orderly fashion. Abrupt climate risk revaluations will hit banks, asset managers and insurers particularly hard. Losses in financial markets due to …
August 16, 2022

Blockchain startup to help SMEs access ESG capital

Small and medium enterprises are seen as the backbone of the net zero approach to the climate. But the vast majority of them lack the financing to implement their environmental, social, and governance ( ESG) programmes. A New York City based start-up …
August 15, 2022

German economy languishes, equities still attractive

The largest economy in the eurozone is weakening. The German Dax index has been hit unprecedentedly hard in recent months. The discount that has emerged on equities presents a prime opportunity according to specialists. "The economic situation in Germany …
August 15, 2022

Chart of the week: Misery Index

The US macro data show a mixed picture. GDP – before revisions at least –  has contracted for two quarters in a row. For Europeans, that is a recession. The ISM Manufacturing index fell further, but is still above 50. ISM Services unexpectedly rose to …
August 12, 2022
Asset Managers,Asset Allocation,News

The energy transition as a source of opportunity

The European Union has embarked on a green transition, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. This plan, called Fit for 55, includes a large number of components. "The stakes associated with the …
August 12, 2022
Asset Allocation

Top 5 biggest outflows: big pain for Pimco

The erratic first half of 2022, which sent leading stock market indices into bear market territory, has clearly left its mark on the fund universe. Fund houses active in the bond markets saw a general outflow of investor money, and although on balance …
August 11, 2022

Gas prices hanging over economic prospects

As we while away the warm – even hot – summer months in the Grand Duchy, it’s on many people’s minds that winter is on its way. And that means we go back to burning gas. While official sources show that Luxembourg doesn’t import much Russian gas, we all …
August 11, 2022
Asset Managers,News,Opinion

Forty years of the bull market

Forty years ago this week the bull market started in the United States. Not just any bull market, but the biggest bull market ever. Despite the crash of 1987, the dotcom graveyard, the attacks of 11 September 2001, the Great Financial Crisis and the Covid …
August 11, 2022

Analysis: static risk profile does not work in a dynamic market 

For at least 15 years, risk profiles, used by banks or independent risk managers to assign each client an investment portfolio, have been the subject of discussion. The current trend change from falling to rising interest rates further complicates client …
August 10, 2022

Efama calls for sustainability reporting standard alignment

Calls for the global alignment of sustainability reporting standards is being complicated by differences of views about which standards to back between those developed by the European Union and a competing private sector standard backed by the well-known …