
Morningstar-IO Benelux Webinar: Good Practices in ESG Reporting

Morningstar IO Benelux Webinar: Good Practices in ESG Reporting

Morningstar and Investment Officer Luxembourg invite you to join us online on Thursday 1 December 2020 at 15 CET for the “Good Practices in ESG Reporting” interactive online debate. 

A panel of sustainable finance experts from financial institutions and authorities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg will debate good practices in ESG reporting for investors and asset managers. 



Speakers confirmed so far:

  • Itamar Morad, Retail Sustainability lead & Global head of Retail Savings product at ING
  • Anastasia Georgiou, Director of Client Solutions, Adviser Segment at Morningstar Europe
  • Moderator: Raymond Frenken, Editorial Manager, Investment Officer Luxembourg 

Representatives of an asset manager and of the regulatory community will complement the panel.

Key questions:

  • How do sustainability factors impact returns?
  • How do investment choices impact the world? 
  • How can retail investors navigate the complexities in sustainable finance?  
  • Has the introduction of the SFDR been a sensible move for investors? 
  • What new challenges are ahead in 2023 for asset managers, banks and wealth managers in sustainable finance? 

Challenging context 

Engaging with investors on sustainable investing requires answering two questions: How do sustainability factors impact returns? How do investment choices impact the world?  Increasingly tight regulation has brought ESG reporting to a boiling point. This Morningstar - Investment Officer webinar will shed light on the most important aspects and showcase a number of good practices demonstrating how investment firms embrace this new environment.

Sustainability preferences must be considered when advising clients. This presents new challenges for professionals, both in terms of client interactions as well as handling non-financial data on their investments. 

A new industry template - known as the European ESG Template, or EET - has been introduced to support the industry as it tries to come to grips with the sustainability reporting obligations under the EU’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan, MiFID II and the EU Taxonomy. 

How can banks and wealth managers make the best use of these templates. The panel will discuss practical examples, addressing data points on for example Principal Adverse Impact consideration, sustainable investment exposures and alignment with the EU taxonomy.

Managing patchy data and overcoming a lack of comparability between products are issues that financial market participants are keen to address. Morningstar’s fund flow data shows a continued appetite of investors for sustainable funds. But with the growing number of sustainably-labeled funds, various shades of green have emerged, making sustainable investing even more complex. This at a time that additional regulatory requirements add a level of difficulty with fund classification under the SFDR framework and taxonomy.

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